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Project Resource:

Following are to help address added concerns for projects around the home.

Health Related Issues:

Air Quality/Breathing:

Lung Hotline

Consider fumes and being in contact with adhesives, paint and other chemical-based products, dust from sanding, sawing, refuse debris, fibers from insulation, and a host of other potentially harmful particles & substances. American Lung Association also offers this info on building materials, paint and more.


EPA asbestos - providing asbestos information.

Mesothelioma guide from


Illinois Department of Public Health
Division of Environmental Health
525 W. Jefferson Street
Springfield, IL 62761

Their 'Fact Sheet' - lists sources such as insulation, particleboard, and plywood, for example, and possible ways to limit exposure.


EPA's Sources of Lead in the Home

EPA - Safe Drinking Water Hotline
Provides facts on lead in drinking water.
National Lead Information Center


EPA radon publications - for topics that include free guides and means of protection.

EPA - Safe Drinking Water Hotline
Provides facts on radon in drinking water.

Product Safety:

Hotline/Recalls 1-800-638-2772
Informative brochures and Household Safety Publications
Their site also announces recalls on tools by specific manufacturer.


The Center for Disease Control publishes 'Basic Facts' on mold with recommendations for when builders and others don't wish to assume responsibility for cleaning molds.

Vision/Eye Safety:

See the 'Protecting Your Eyes At Work' issued by the American Optometric Association. Which is worth a look, could save your vision.

Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

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